
Robert Greene

Founder / CEO

In 2015, Robert Greene co-founded Harbory Medical Cannabis Dispensary, the first Medical Marijuana dispensary in Illinois to gain licensure and begin operations. In 2016, Robert was an integral member in obtaining two successful licenses in Maryland: FGM Processing and Cannavations Medical Dispensary. After officially forming Greene Fox Enterprises in 2017, Robert led his team in raising nearly $4 million for large-scale cultivation in Death Valley, CA. With 30+ years of experience in the real estate industry, Robert’s skillset is leveraged in helping Greene Fox identify the most ideal properties when applying into new markets.


Brian Fox

Founder / VP

Alongside Robert Greene, Brian Fox co-founded Harbory Medical Cannabis Dispensary in 2015, the first Medical Marijuana dispensary in Illinois to gain licensure and begin operations. In 2016, Brian played a key role in obtaining two successful licenses in Maryland: FGM Processing and Cannavations Medical Dispensary. Brian’s familiarity with regulatory compliance and operational realities specific to the medical cannabis industry continues to fuel Greene Fox’s national growth. Prior to the cannabis industry, Brian developed the first social media website, FaceTheJury.com, pulling in over 2 million members within the first 18 months. More recently, Brian led medical sales with Stryker.